Thursday, October 29, 2009

racism sucks

Racism really sucks. I just cant imagine that people would hate so much just because they are not white. And what is this thing that white is "the right color?" If they would think for a minute where they REALLY came from....who would know? Either they dont know or dont want to know.
I am writing this because I heard on internet radio where a team of white supremacist group was going to invade Bozeman (it was Bozeman radio that I heard it from). This makes me mad because this is what I gotta look forward to. I heard some people calling on the radio saying "dont bring crap into our town." I said that I agree with them. I definately dont want those kinds of groups invading Ocean Shores, or any town for that matter, especially one that I plan to attend school in. Stay out of Ocean Shores and leave Bozeman alone. I cant stand white supremacist groups. If they find out that I'm part Mexican, they will hang me.
I once read an article and saw a movie about hate groups existing in Montana, but they are usually confined or more so in and around Great Falls, which is why I dont ever want to go there. I will try to avoid it if I can. Are they now moving south? And of all things, why Bozeman?

Lets get one thing straight and I have said this numerous times: the whites are the invaders in this country. The Indians were here first. This is their land and always has been. And who discovered the new world? It was us, the Spanish. Look at Christopher Columbus. And if whites would think back to its earliest ancestors, they came from people of color. Human beings came from Africa originally. The reason their skin got so white was because humans migrated north into Europe where the sun is not as potent.
So there is color in their background, and yet some of them want to fight against them. People are just ignorant. IMO, people like that should be wiped off the face of the earth.


  1. I hate supremisists of any kind!! Everyone should learn to treat everyone like equals! We don't need lynch mobs anymore! People today should be more educated!
    Here's a secret to getting through alone in Bozeman with the white supremisists running around:
    1. Don't go out at night.
    2. Don't go out alone.
    3. When you do go out, tell someone where you are going and how long it should take.
    4. Discuss your background with NO ONE!!!!!

  2. Well thinks for your input, but some things are real hard to avoid. I will just do what I would do if one of those groups was in OS: Get out of our town.

    We dont need lynch mobs anymore. That is so totally ancient and not cool!
