Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Adventures in Billings

What can I tell you? Billings was cool. I rather enjoyed myself. I got to visit the MSUB campus which I thought the tour was something else. I think I will go there next year. Even though I loved Bozeman, I think Billings would be the one place to go to. Then after spending a couple of days on campus, I moved into the Billings Hotel. It was a very classy place with a waterslide pool and everything. I usually end up in a very cheap motel, but this one was better.
I originally went there to look at properties, but I had very little luck finding one that will allow pets. So I took advantage of the car rental and drove to Pompeys Pillar. The famous Lewis and Clark Expedition carved their names on this rock. It was cool. The whole time I was in Billings, it was stormy...thunder and lightning and everything. And as I was coming home from Pompeys Pillar, storm clouds were rolling in and I got some really good video shots of the lightning. Its not everyday we get to see things like that.
It was sad leaving Billings because I had fun, but I had to go home. And when I did I caught a bad cold. Damn it!!!

Friday, August 6, 2010

pics and movies

I cannot wait to go on my trip to Billings. I plan to get plenty of pics and movies on this trip. With my luck, there will be plenty to talk about. But I want to post the pics on Facebook so everybody can see them. If I post them on youtube, the only ones who will see them are my family and trolls. I cannot stand youtube trolls, they have the habit of picking on people and I dont want to have anything to do with them. I want all my friends to see my trip.
The movies, well, I am posting them on vimeo.com. I find its a lot better than youtube, at least thats what Timmyfan said. So my trip videos will be found there.