Thursday, October 29, 2009

racism sucks

Racism really sucks. I just cant imagine that people would hate so much just because they are not white. And what is this thing that white is "the right color?" If they would think for a minute where they REALLY came from....who would know? Either they dont know or dont want to know.
I am writing this because I heard on internet radio where a team of white supremacist group was going to invade Bozeman (it was Bozeman radio that I heard it from). This makes me mad because this is what I gotta look forward to. I heard some people calling on the radio saying "dont bring crap into our town." I said that I agree with them. I definately dont want those kinds of groups invading Ocean Shores, or any town for that matter, especially one that I plan to attend school in. Stay out of Ocean Shores and leave Bozeman alone. I cant stand white supremacist groups. If they find out that I'm part Mexican, they will hang me.
I once read an article and saw a movie about hate groups existing in Montana, but they are usually confined or more so in and around Great Falls, which is why I dont ever want to go there. I will try to avoid it if I can. Are they now moving south? And of all things, why Bozeman?

Lets get one thing straight and I have said this numerous times: the whites are the invaders in this country. The Indians were here first. This is their land and always has been. And who discovered the new world? It was us, the Spanish. Look at Christopher Columbus. And if whites would think back to its earliest ancestors, they came from people of color. Human beings came from Africa originally. The reason their skin got so white was because humans migrated north into Europe where the sun is not as potent.
So there is color in their background, and yet some of them want to fight against them. People are just ignorant. IMO, people like that should be wiped off the face of the earth.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

I miss school

This is one of those days that I wish I was still in school. At least it was never boring and I always had homework. I know I cant always have my way, but spare me. I am trying to leave for Bozeman next year. Now I cant go until next spring, and that is a long ways away. Well, at least I can rest. And when I do go back, I will have homework up to my ears. I wont have time for nothing. But it will be worth it when I graduate....finally.
We are planning to head to Bozeman in January (if we can fight the cold) so that Timmyfan can explore the film making course. It will be a roll of the dice whether she likes it or not. The decision is hers. But at least get a first look at what they do and all that other cool stuff. I would like to at least give Timmyfan something to think about: If she does go for it, UMG Studios will become a reality and she just might make the big bucks.
If not, she can stay here and go into medical billing. That too is a very good position and she can work at home, which I think is more convenient for her in the long run.
But its Timmyfan's life, and the decision about her future is entirely hers. I cant make the decision for her, its not my department. I will however give her support in whatever she chooses.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

what the???????

by the number of hits, and responses on this site, looks like if your not an animal who cares

This was posted by wolfmtnlady on the Y-net forum in response to a news story about a 6 year old boy that floated away in a homemade balloon. Everybody thinks she is a jerk for bringing that up.

Sure we love our animals, I know I do. But there are people who do care. I still think its sad when children die so young because they never really got to experience life.

But she thinks that just because this did not happen to an animal, that no one on the Y-net forum cares. A wolf or bear dies in the park becomes a lead story on the forum. But a 6 year old kid apparently gets hurt or killed (he was found alive, hiding in the attic at his home), wolfmtnlady thinks people dont give a damn.

There are people on the forum who have kids of their own, and I am sure that they would think that if something like that happened to their kids, they would care. Believe me, if I had kids, I would think the same thing too. True, I may not go for these charities set up to help children, but that doesnt mean I dont like children. And I think that wolfmtnlady needs to fix that statement and think before she posts it.

I wanted to have kids when I was younger, but that feeling went out of me sometime ago. I was always afraid that I would not have a totally healthy kid, and the fact that my child could also inherit my problem as well, and I would not know how to handle it. Thats the thing with dogs, you dont have to worry too much, and it hardly cost anything to raise dogs.

Now, sometimes I do regret not bringing a child into this world, but I love my dogs, and thats good enough for me.

Monday, October 12, 2009

Fun with 20 year olds

I am having my fun with these 20 year olds on Facebook. I swear they are so dumb and immature, but it gives me a chance to say that older people rule!

Lastnight, I posted something on the 2012 wall on Facebook, and some dumbass named Anthony gets on there and calls me fat, ugly, and even has the nerve to say that I have a mustache, like some kind of damn circus freak. I told him that he better stop and shutup and stop judging people on how they look. I also told him that I was too old to fight with him, but he wouldnt stop. So I did the next best thing: I blocked him. Soon another idiot named Michael really puts the bite on me and says all kinds of disgusting things, and I blocked him too. I will bet that both of those guys are 20 year olds. But I will tell you, I was having fun telling them what I really think about them.

And just now, some "kid" named Karl sends me messages asking me if I was a fag or if I was fat. I told him I am fat, do you have a problem with that? Then he' saying he's horny and that he has a girl friend. Then he calles me a fag. I tell you he has no respect for elders, and if he calls me a fag one more time, I will break both his arms. I told him that he better leave me alone and that he stick with his own kind. I will block him if he ever bothers me again. But I am having fun calling him every name in the book.

I was 20 years old once and I was the same way, so I know for a fact that everybody goes through that "stupidity" stage. Its just so fun for an older person like me in her 40s for crying out loud to put those 20 year olds in their place. I tell you they deserve it. They havent got the sense that God gave a slug. I dare them to make me look stupid.

One thing I love telling 20 year olds is that they dont ever get back to me until they "grow up." And I hope they do when they get to be my age. But sometimes thats not always true. I have even heard of 50 year olds that act like dumbasses, and I tell them that I am much younger and more mature than they are, and I expect them to behave a little bit better than me. But what can I say, men especially never grow up.

I may be more comfortable with women than men, but that does NOT make me a lesbian. I dont like the idea of two men or two women kissing each other, I believe marriage is between a man and a woman, and I am not too fond of gay rights. So why does Karl think I am a fag? Probably because he doesnt have anything better to do than to act stupid.

Friday, October 9, 2009

swine flu in MT

Here is an article that one of my Y-net buddies posted on Facebook. It appears that swine flu has already hit parts of Montana. I am more afraid that Bozeman could be next, and then what will happen? Now would be a great time to get the swine flu vaccines, preferably before I leave for Bozeman.
But I have always been a very healthy person, never caught anything massive before in my life. But swine flu does not discriminate. It can turn a person like me into a bed ridden patient in minutes. The worst I ever got was a bad chest cold 20 years ago, and it only lasted for about 5 days. I get colds every now and then that only lasts 3 days. I have the better genes in my family.
So far, the swine flu hasnt reached Ocean Shores, but that doesnt mean that it will never get here. Its only a matter of time. There are some cases of it in this state, so its like prepare yourselves and get the vaccine ASAP.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

My first blog

Welcome all, my name is Mikessa and I would like to welcome you to my blog. I will post just about anything that I can talk about. But mostly I am making a blog for my Y-net buddies to view. I dont have myspace anymore, so I gotta post something.