Monday, October 12, 2009

Fun with 20 year olds

I am having my fun with these 20 year olds on Facebook. I swear they are so dumb and immature, but it gives me a chance to say that older people rule!

Lastnight, I posted something on the 2012 wall on Facebook, and some dumbass named Anthony gets on there and calls me fat, ugly, and even has the nerve to say that I have a mustache, like some kind of damn circus freak. I told him that he better stop and shutup and stop judging people on how they look. I also told him that I was too old to fight with him, but he wouldnt stop. So I did the next best thing: I blocked him. Soon another idiot named Michael really puts the bite on me and says all kinds of disgusting things, and I blocked him too. I will bet that both of those guys are 20 year olds. But I will tell you, I was having fun telling them what I really think about them.

And just now, some "kid" named Karl sends me messages asking me if I was a fag or if I was fat. I told him I am fat, do you have a problem with that? Then he' saying he's horny and that he has a girl friend. Then he calles me a fag. I tell you he has no respect for elders, and if he calls me a fag one more time, I will break both his arms. I told him that he better leave me alone and that he stick with his own kind. I will block him if he ever bothers me again. But I am having fun calling him every name in the book.

I was 20 years old once and I was the same way, so I know for a fact that everybody goes through that "stupidity" stage. Its just so fun for an older person like me in her 40s for crying out loud to put those 20 year olds in their place. I tell you they deserve it. They havent got the sense that God gave a slug. I dare them to make me look stupid.

One thing I love telling 20 year olds is that they dont ever get back to me until they "grow up." And I hope they do when they get to be my age. But sometimes thats not always true. I have even heard of 50 year olds that act like dumbasses, and I tell them that I am much younger and more mature than they are, and I expect them to behave a little bit better than me. But what can I say, men especially never grow up.

I may be more comfortable with women than men, but that does NOT make me a lesbian. I dont like the idea of two men or two women kissing each other, I believe marriage is between a man and a woman, and I am not too fond of gay rights. So why does Karl think I am a fag? Probably because he doesnt have anything better to do than to act stupid.

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