Thursday, July 19, 2012

a funny joke

Karen and I just played a mean and dirty trick on Kim :)I mean really, she deserves it. I was pissed at the bag of dog shit that was in the dog park and Karen told me that Kim left it there hoping for someone else to throw it away. What a wuss!!! I took the bag of shit and put it on her doorknob of her apartment building. Kim wont know who did it, but I will bet you 2 to 1 that Karen will get blamed. Kim is a backstabbing, lying bitch and deserves to be treated like crap. It is a childish prank, but where Kim is concerned, I dont care. She lead me and my sis to believe that she was our friend ever since we moved here, but in reality, she couldnt stand us. She was calling us names behind our backs and acting all nice to our faces. That makes her a hypocrite and a coward and I cant stand people like that. Fuck Kim!!! This will be the best joke we ever played on her, and I got a few more tricks up my sleeve. I wont tell anyone that I did it. I'm gonna pretend that I had nothing to do with it or that I dont know about it. Lets just hope that nobody else snitches to the manager and gives me away. I got my revenge, and I can say that these Montana folks dont know a lot about revenge. They could learn a lot from us. HA HA!!!!!

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