I am sorry for the long delay on my blog posts. I have been in school all this time and my homework keeps me very busy.
I am taking this microbiology course, which is a lot of fun. But the problem is that I am so far behind everyone else because I cant seem to locate a second bacterial species and it looks like I might not be able to. And also to make matters worse, my stupid car breaks down, I cant go to the lab early in the morning before classes start and work on my lab projects. I have to catch the bus by a certain time, and that forces me to do so few tests on my bacteria guys. This just cannot be happening. My biggest fear: I will flunk micro lab if I dont do these tests soon. Everybody else has.
But I am so disorganized. I cant seem to get the tests done right, nothing is going the way I want it to go, in other words, I'm a screw up. Even my class journal is very disorganized. Is this what I have to look forward to when I get to Bozeman? Well, at Bozeman it will be a lot worse than this. The classes will be a lot harder and a lot more demanding. I hope I am ready for it.
I think the problem is also the instructor. I mean dont get me wrong, everybody says that she is the best teacher in the school. But I myself think that she gives very vague details about how she wants things done. I try to follow her instructions, but somewhere along the line, I lost it. I dont think she even realizes that I have a bit of a learning problem where things have to be described to me more clearer than other people. What I need is a lab partner, somebody who will work beside me and help me every step of the way. And at Bozeman, thats what I should do and I think I should request that. I need to find out if that is possible because my learning problem can get in the way and make it more difficult to succeed.
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