What I really think about my Y-net buddies, well, I think many of them are enviromentalists of some type and they seem to have a wide knowledge of wildlife, ranching, and politics. Many of them hunt so they are against gun laws. Timmyfan calls this type "tree lovers" and she cant stand the type because they tend to be the "save the world" type of people when certain species are doomed to extinction. At least thats what I got from that. But these people are the rugged outdoors type, they go to Yellowstone more than once a year, and really have a lot more to post.
Me on the other hand, I am typically a city girl. I know nothing about wildlife or ranching except from others' posts, I hate guns and would be for gun laws, and I am not an enviromentalist. I study volcanoes so you know where I come from. Other than a love for Yellowstone, we have so little in common. I'm not really the outdoors type because I hate bugs and animal droppings. I have only been to Yellowstone once in my lifetime; I would go more often if I lived close by. I really have got to take Timmyfan to Yellowstone someday. She would have a field day looking at all the wildlife.
But then I have been wanting to go to Idaho Falls for the past 5 or 6 years and it never has been done. Although last year, I almost had a chance until we started talking about actually moving to Bozeman and went there instead. Dont get me wrong, I had a great time and we saw what we wanted to see.
I am trying a new forum, allnurses.com, Many of them are professionals and already have nursing degrees and one section for students. I can learn from them even though I am not in nursing school yet. But prepare myself for nursing school thats what I need. I have also been visiting numerous sites for nurses with disabilities and some includes mentors and support groups. Its a way for disabled nurses to get together because they are so totally misunderstood in the workforce. The workforce has not recommended that disabled people become nurses so a lot of nurses have to lie and hide their disability just to get a job and keep it. Although I have done such things myself, its just not right.
We got a cool GPS for Christmas and we really love it. We took it on a trip to Oregon yesterday and it really gives accurate directions and tells you where to go. Its a wonderful invention that I am proud to have. It sure beats asking for directions because they are usually not clear and most people you ask dont know. Like that time we went to Bozeman and stayed overnight in Missoula. We was trying to look for a certain hotel and I asked someone at a convenient store for directions. It wasnt that clear and we ended up way out of town. It took a long time to actually find the place. If we had a GPS then, we could have avoided that.
We call her Samantha, the voice on the GPS.
That's tree "hugger", not tree-lover!! And there's a bit of a difference between average environmentalists and tree-huggers. Tree-huggers think we should intervene with wildlife, like saving prey animals from predators. Environmentalists are just for saving endangered species and forests from human destruction and poachers. There is a major difference there!