Thursday, October 22, 2009

I miss school

This is one of those days that I wish I was still in school. At least it was never boring and I always had homework. I know I cant always have my way, but spare me. I am trying to leave for Bozeman next year. Now I cant go until next spring, and that is a long ways away. Well, at least I can rest. And when I do go back, I will have homework up to my ears. I wont have time for nothing. But it will be worth it when I graduate....finally.
We are planning to head to Bozeman in January (if we can fight the cold) so that Timmyfan can explore the film making course. It will be a roll of the dice whether she likes it or not. The decision is hers. But at least get a first look at what they do and all that other cool stuff. I would like to at least give Timmyfan something to think about: If she does go for it, UMG Studios will become a reality and she just might make the big bucks.
If not, she can stay here and go into medical billing. That too is a very good position and she can work at home, which I think is more convenient for her in the long run.
But its Timmyfan's life, and the decision about her future is entirely hers. I cant make the decision for her, its not my department. I will however give her support in whatever she chooses.


  1. One other thing I would like to include is that it would really be fun and exciting to join that paleo club and go on a dino dig together.

  2. Well, we have already made the decision not to do it this time, but maybe some other time when we can bring the dogs with us.
